Thursday, August 14, 2008

A kid and a box

Give a kid a box and he'll be entertained for hours


Melody said...

He really did have so much fun with that box. What a cutie. Luke we love you and your funny laugh.

lindie said...

Hey Kristen! How the heck have you been? I've been spying on you through other peoples blog! It good to see that you are doing so well. Your little boy is so cute! Does Brooke have a blog?

lindie said...

Thanks for your comment! We really love Colorado and I actually live in the place where I was born and Doug grew up in this area so we are kind of Natives and we really enjoy everything about this place. Congrats to Brooke- almost 3 kids wow. Everyone's family's are really growing!! It's all too fun! Are you still really good with phone numbers??? you always had such an impressive memory!!!!
See ya and I'll keep in touch

lindie said...

Thanks for your comment! We really love Colorado and I actually live in the place where I was born and Doug grew up in this area so we are kind of Natives and we really enjoy everything about this place. Congrats to Brooke- almost 3 kids wow. Everyone's family's are really growing!! It's all too fun! Are you still really good with phone numbers??? you always had such an impressive memory!!!!
See ya and I'll keep in touch