Friday, September 18, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yesterday) BROOKE.!!  the big 31. 


brooke is:




a great mother, sister, & aunt

missed a ton

a good friend

a good listener

a good coupon buddy

an awesome cook

an exceptional host when people come to visit

a BLAST to be with




we love & miss you, brooke

jeff, kristen, luke & sara



amyraye said...

brooke- you can't be mad at me anymore for using crummy pictures of you. i think kristen takes the cake on that one. :)
sweet post, kristen. do you really have this picture of you guys framed and displaye in your home?

Lucy said...

amy, totally can't stop laughing about these pictures. seriously. i think i need to send each of you a decent picture of me for future blogging purposes. kristen, glad to see that your post titled "late" is in reference to your birthday and not a hint about another pregnancy. also, did you have jeff's permission to include his regards to how much he misses me? that's what i thought. thanks for the post.

kristen said...

yes, i do have it framed. it used to be up in my house. right now it's not

Emily said...

Kristen, that was super nice. Brooke, do you appreciate how nice this post was? So super nice!