Friday, November 20, 2009

happy thanksgiving to us

when we went out this afternoon, i picked up my phone to call my mom & noticed i had a message.  i called to get it.  it was our apartment complex asking us to call them when we could.  since we were already in the car, we decided to swing by the office and i would run in to see what they wanted.


our first thought was “oh no, what’s wrong?”  Anyway, as i was getting out of the car, i told jeff that i entered us in a drawing earlier this month for a turkey dinner that our apartment was doing.  no way could that possibly be the reason they called. 

i walked in the office and they said that we won the drawing. 

what?  are you


we now have a thanksgiving feast.  (not that we need to make thanksgiving dinner)  but, now we will & we will have lots of turkey sandwiches.  we like turkey.

we got all of this:

an 18 lb. turkey all for us.  sweet.


Melody said...

That's awesome.

amyraye said...

nice. now you can take it over to mom's and have her bake it for you. :)