Friday, January 1, 2010

christmas… part 1

this year, we went up to brooke’s house for christmas.  so, we had christmas with jeff’s family on the saturday before christmas. 

not all of his family made it.  it was his mom, nana, & papa.  his brother, sam, & his girlfriend, mel, came by just for about an hour before heading off to a friends birthday.

i made a baked spaghetti for dinner. apple cobbler for dessert.

  after dinner, we opened presents. 


161 165
168 174
180 188



Thanks for all the fun toys!!


amyraye said...

what's up with a 2-year-old getting better gifts than i did?

kristen- you're off to a good start. only 364 days to go; are you in?

kristen said...

iwill do my best. i intend to, but we'll se what happens.

kristen said...

iwill do my best. i intend to, but we'll se what happens.

amyraye said...

kristen- what kind of results do you think you'll get with that kind of commitment? i "intend to, but we'll see"??!! you can do better than that!