Sunday, February 13, 2011

i just had to…

as soon as i saw these dresses, i wanted them for my girls.  these dresses have a strong resemblance to something that means a lot to me.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

blessing day


Ashley was blessed by jeff today. 

grandma nevada, matt, lauren, andi, holly, & sierra came.  as well as nana, papa, grandpa greg, grandma kay, grandma lorraine, sam, & mel.

the blessing was awesome.

afterward,  everyone, minus greg & kay, came over for grilled cheese sandwiches and cupcakes (made by luke).  and just to visit.


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Friday, February 4, 2011


we bought a minivan on wednesday.  a used minivan that we paid CASH for.  it is a 2003 ford windstar LX.  it was sad to hand over that lump sum of money, but it is oh so nice to have space in a car again.

we still have our other car, for the time being, until we figure out what to do with it.  we’ve talked about selling it.  we’re not sure yet.

it does have a bench seat in the middle, which i am not crazy about.  but, jeff says that he can remove the bench and put in bucket seats.  now we just need to find some (at a junkyard- most likely)


tonight, we went to the glendale chocolate affaire. (me, luke,sara,ashley,grandma nevada,,chad,& tanner)  yes, we filled our new van.  we put it to good use already.

we had fun.

the kids rode some rides.


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then we rode a bus to ceretta’s candy co.  where we got to sample some YUMMY chocolates.the middle picture is the candy luke bought there.the last picture is a huge football that says “go packers” & “go spurs”  (i know it is blurry- because it was wrapped in plastic)